

Migration was a prototyping residency for 11 culturally specific non-Western performance organizations looking to migrate some of their practice online. Phase I saw artists exploring approaches to digital production and workflows that celebrated the specific and contemporary nature of their practices while Phase II introduced a community of 28 creative technologists and prototypers to the residency who then supported participating organizations in the creation of prototypes for Phase III.





in partnership with:

Nagata Shachu Taiko Ensemble

participating organizations:

Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance

Njo Kong Kie

Nagata Shachu Taiko Ensemble

Nova Dance

Sashar Dance

Ensemble Yeng Ji

After Migration

Tamil Archive Project

187 Augusta

Kapisanan Philippine Centre for Arts and Culture.

Mi’Jan Celie Tho-Biaz

Raashan Ahmad

creative technologists:

Cyril Chen

Wesley Cabarios

Raad Seraj

Bianca Li Channer

Parul Bansal

Rachel Wang

Nawang Tsomo Kinkar

Oliver Manuel

EJ Anupol

Kimberly Smith

Justin Smith

Atina Chaikith

Iyobosa Rehoboth

Heran Genene

Nicolas Benais-Thomson

The Time Travel Agency (Jocelyn Ibarra)

Saadia Esat

Rayan Mokdad

Raashan Ahmad

Carisa Antariksa

Amreen Ashraf

Maria Yala

Anudeep Mummareddy

Tyreek Phillips

Hope Akello

Augusta Li

Angela Li

Cherrie Lam


virtual residency

The COVID-19 crisis put enormous pressure on arts organizations to adapt to a world of physical distancing. The default response was digital transformation. Unfortunately, most of the tools and approaches being developed assumed art practices that were commercially-oriented, Western European in derivation, or both.

Migration supported 11 participating organizations to migrate to digital production and workflows in ways that celebrated the specific and contemporary nature of their practices. Outcomes included:

  • Prototypes of digital solutions that honor the artistic intentions behind the work
  • Evolved business models, governance, and workflows
  • Recipes and documentation for other arts organizations around the world to learn from
promotional square for Sashar Dance participation in Migration residency that features a dancer in a flowing black robe and woman sitting on the floor in pose

Eleven organizations participated in a 3-part (May 18 – Aug 31, 2020) facilitated, virtual residency where, with the support of advisors, facilitators, and a small dedicated prototyping team, they worked to develop and implement projects. A member-led follow up session in November 2020 allowed the participants to reconnect and share progress on the projects accelerated during the residency.

Each organization left with a generated prototype, an increased comfort with digital transformation through prototyping processes, and new collaborators (both creative technologists and other arts organizations) to collectively address and share work.

Some of the prototypes can still be seen:

Nova Dance: https://nova-dance-movement-room.glitch.me/

Nagata Shachu Taiko Ensemble: https://camcollective.tumblr.com/archive

Tamil Archive Project: https://nicbt.github.io/Ukai-TAP-Quiz/

187 Augusta: https://info187augusta.wixsite.com/187augusta/balikbayan-project

promotional square for participation of Raashan Ahmad in the Migration residency, featuring an image of a singer holding a microphone and holding out his other hand as if passionately performing

This project is generously supported by